Cotto Possagno “teaches” on Materials Matters at the IUAV University

We brought our experience to the IUAV University of Venice! Last March 28th we were invited to participate in the first meeting of “Materials Matter“, a series of seminars on construction products.
Mario Cunial, director of Research and Development, Quality and Safety, and Andrea Visentin, director of the Components Division, presented to the students of the Architecture course the historical and technical evolution of roofing bricks, i.e. tiles and bent tiles, detailing the new solutions for creation of photovoltaic brick roofs and also examining the attachment systems, ventilation and stratigraphy of a roof.
A truly important opportunity for us to introduce students to our sector.
We thank the Iuav University of Venice and, in particular, Professor Michele Rossetti for giving us the opportunity to preside over this training session.
But this was only a first step, in the coming months we would have the opportunity to delve even further into the issues relating to brick roofs, training future architects on site. Stay tuned!